Friday, August 24, 2012

Techcoach Chat Summary From Aug 23

The #techcoach chat on Twitter, episode 2, was another well attended event.  I believe my tweet sums it up:

Items that caught my interest from last night's #techcoach chat:
  1. Cybraryman Internet Catalogue
  2. Google Apps For Education Integration With WikiSpaces
  3. Connection to Teachers:  make #techcoach s visible, become in tune with the way teachers learn, learn about their families, events in life, become genuinely in tune with them as people first.
  4. There are a great amount of people who are techcoach 's in the educational world.  I am one of 5 techcoach's in our school, but with Twitter, I am one of 50 who can collaborate and learn how to improve in my helping of teachers.
#techcoach chats on Thursday can be reviewed here, with more resources to come here.

#techcoach chat Thursdays 8:30 PM EST

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