This does not dismiss the importance and necessity of Google apps or Creation apps used on the iPad, but "showing what you know" is a critical skill for students.
Continuing a four part series of Integrating Apps for the iPad will be our Lunch N' Learn's focus.
Four Apps. True Productivity.
Week 1: Notability
Week 2: Recordium
Week 3: Explain Everything
Week 4: iMovie
Define: Integrat(ion)
Readers of iPaddiction will realize that Explain Everything is well used in our school district. Well used in the fact that it is moving toward being invisible. Invisible in that our students don't ask for instructions, they understand the app and therefore focus on the learning!
Putting together a compilation of Explain Everything may help in continuing to provide teachers and students with an excellent technology tool to...
- Record and annotate lectures - student action
- Show What You Know - student action
- Describing step by step directions - student action
- Preparation and direction for students - teacher action
- Testing and assessment - teacher action
30 Learning Opportunities: