This does not dismiss the importance and necessity of Google apps or Creation apps used on the iPad, but note taking is a critical skill that students need to have.
Starting now, a four part series of Integrating Apps for the iPad will be our Lunch N' Learn's focus.
Four Apps. True Productivity.
Week 1: Notability
Week 2: Recordium
Week 3: Explain Everything
Week 4: iMovie
Define: Integrat(ion)
Notability For iPad: Much More Than A Note Taking App, includes many features that help students efficiently take notes and complete assigned writing tasks.
I utilized a number of Notability features in the screen shots and videos below.
Specifics include:
- Full-featured handwriting
- PDF annotation
- Advanced word processing
- Audio recording linked to notes
- Media insertion of photographs, web clips, figures, drawings.
- Class, Subject, Content organized by color
- Integration with MANY other apps
- Cloud storage
In addition to this, the integration with OTHER apps are numerous. As the picture on the right demonstrates. Often used apps such as Google Drive are easily integrated.
Handwritten notes, typed words, diagrams, web pages are all incredible features that can be utilized with Notability.
In addition, anything on the note can be cut and moved to any other place on the note.
With the drop down menu, any one of five media options can be included in a note. This could be a tremendous way for students to prove what they are writing about by providing resources.
Students can also write on and return any worksheet that a teacher may create.
Watch a student demonstrate using Notability.
Watch how students use Notability for creating Cornell Notes.
If you would like to see all the features, you can watch the video below.