Quizdini provides a unique feature in that a teacher can create an explanation of the concept tested/reviewed in the the question. A paragraph or link can be inserted.
Quizdini can be great for...
Interactive Whiteboard Activity (buttons are large, readable)
Movenote is a quick way to add video/audio to a Google Drive document, including Docs, Presentations, & Spreadsheets. The Movenote can be an iPad app as well. Sharing options exist!
Students in Mrs. Wojcik's, Applications of Physical Science class, have developed companies that provide "Renewable Energy Resources". To promote these companies to a fictional character, students created iMovie Trailers.
Students Using iMovie For The Process
Process: iPad video to Google Drive to share with teacher
Student/Teacher Reaction To iMovie Trailer Product
Many of our staff members want to buy one app. After purchasing it correctly, teachers need to redeem the code on their iPad. To find the "Redeem" area on the iPad, touch on the App Store icon, touch the "Featured" tab on the bottom, and scroll to the bottom of the page. You should see the image below...
You should be asked for your password. After you enter it, your app will begin to download.
VINE is a fantastic tool to make quick and short promotion videos. I have walked past our shadow boxes promoting our school's activities and realized, "Let's make a VINE of that!"
I am thankful that Miss Wilcox and Mrs. McCumber chose to empower students to be creative, engaged students in the assessment process, and educated them on United States History movements.
*Mr. Krause would have completed the learning experience using the same methods, but with limited computer accessibility was unable to complete the project as stated above. He did complete the learning experience, but using another approach.
Mr. Mentink, the Writing In The Workplace teacher, asked me how he could enhance a traditional poster learning activity with technology. The result is an engaging one and a half days of learning that previously occurred over four to five days.
See how PicCollage enhanced and empowered the students in the educational experience.
After discussion with Mrs. Hocking, a sixth grade teacher, we decided that Google Presentation would be the best tool for students to create a "Choose Your Own Adventure".
Best because...
We are a Google Apps For Education School
No age minimum
Students know their log in and password
Students are familiar with Google Docs/Presentation tools
Collaboration Options
Sharing Options
Most important feature "Create Links For Choose Your Own Adventures"...In 20 Seconds
See complete details of how a "Choose Your Own Adventure" can be created.
Flow Chart & Student Expectations
Mrs. Hocking explains why Google Presentation is easy to work with...
View the "Choose Your Own Adventure" Example Presentation
As the completion of a class, I created a lesson that incorporates four apps that can provide a better understanding of Arctic and Antarctica climate and its impact on the area. Lesson Plan
Mr. Lenz discovered the whiteboard app and put it to good use. View how technology was incorporated into his Science classroom at the right time and for the right reason.
Google Chrome is a wonderful tool to surf the web, especially if your school uses Google Apps For Education.
Our school district does!
Therefore learning about what's behind "Three Little Lines" can help you become more efficient by utilizing tools that aide in completing tasks!
Normally, I like to create video tutorials that last two to three minutes. This one lasted slightly over six minutes, but is well worth the view to learn all that the "three little lines" offer!
In addition, Google provides a Choose Your Account option. Consider this if you would share a "non public" computer with your family or have multiple Google accounts (one professional, one personal) that you you want simultaneous access to during the day. Visit Google Account Chooser
Today, one of our English teachers, Ms. Tubbs, created two Haiku Decks that provide insight into how students interpret poetry. Students grabbed a color of paint and wrote the poem.
A teacher wanted to place some videos created with a video camera to a workable file format for the iPads. We do have Any Video Converter installed on our staff laptops. View the directions below.
We were thankful for Google Hangout over this week as we were able to accommodate a student who needed to be away from school to still attend classes.
Google Hangout has been well documented on iPaddiction because it is so easy to start. Thank you to the entire students' teachers for accommodating this student.
Consider Google Hangout the next time a student is absent from school.
Thinglink is our Lunch N' Learn topic today! It allows for any image to be linked with numerous resources across the world wide web. Want to find an image of a famous person for your subject area? Link a speech, writing, commentary, or biography to that picture. The image links work on the iPad.
View how to create one!
View an interactive image!
Can even be created on the iPad using the Chrome browser!