Wednesday, March 8, 2017

PechaKucha Presentations in Criminal Justice

So many students present multiple times in their school career.  We have established a "PechaKucha" presentation opportunity for groups of students in several content areas.  One of those areas is Criminal Justice.  Today I team taught with Mr. Pirman and explained the workflow for the students.

  • Create slides that are 20 seconds long in Explain Everything.  Slides should contain image(s) with 20 seconds of narration describing the content.
  • Since the students are in a Flex Mod schedule, they may not be with their partners from now until the due date.  After students create their portion in Explain Everything, they will export the EE as a video to their camera roll.  They can either share their finalized portion via Google Drive or AirDrop.
  • Each portion will then be combined in iMovie
  • Students will take the finalized iMovie and submit the creation on Canvas
Introduce To Students (Option)

To introduce the concept I shared with the students the PechaKucha of "The Secret Life of a Pencil".  

We also played a small portion of an example for students.

We also have a number of students actually delivering their "PechaKucha"
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