Today, was a classic "go slow to go fast"!
Mrs. Vertz has decided that a Google Hangout would be the best tool for an "at home" review session. Prior to today's lesson, Mrs. Vertz
walked through information for setting up personal accounts. We spent an entire class period dedicated to setting up personal Gmail accounts. We needed personal Gmail accounts so that Google Plus and Google Hangouts could handle more than one person. Our district has decided that Google Plus will be enabled for teachers only.
The best way to connect students was for the teacher to search Google Plus for the exact email address that students created for their Google Personal Gmail.
The mobile devices connected for a number of students as well as personal computers on our network. We did run into a few error messages for students when connecting to Google Hangouts. This could be for a number of reasons which we are investigating.
Tonight, we have planned a practice Google Hangout.
Video Link
Impact On Students:
Collaboration: A review session is a perfect time for staff and students to pool their resources together to master a topic. With Google Hangouts, many people can review together in the comforts of their own home or on the go!
Critical Thinking: Students will have questions and both students and staff will determine the best answer. With Google Hangouts, screens can be shared and therefore, resources can be shared!
Citizenship: Students needed to create personal Google accounts. Connecting with the proper students from the class was a lesson that forced students to choose the correct contact.