Thursday, December 22, 2016

AirServer Provides Dual Screens For Production Efficiency

Teaching the final production steps from Explain Everything to publishing on Canvas was quite simple with AirServer.

Dual views allowed for the steps of exporting the video in Explain Everything and the uploading of the videos to Canvas to be displayed at the same time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Detox From Tech

As readers of iPaddiction may have gathered from the last six years of blogging, technology is a great tool when used correctly to consume, collaborate, critically think, create, and contribute in an educational and personal setting.

However, as with all things, moderation is key!  Lunch N' Learn will focus on six simple steps that can be taken to take a mental break from technology.

Go ahead!  Try them!

Additional Resources To Be Successful:

Highlights of Detoxing (if only for a small amount of time)
  • Set achievable targets of time off
  • Commit to changing one habit at a time
  • Store the tech device in a different room than you overnight
  • Make an effort to give others your attention
  • Find a detox buddy
  • Tell everyone what you are doing

To complete the above image which is also an interactive website and part of my collection, I used Canva which continues to produce!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Flex Mod Feature - Course Phasing

I was asked by our assistant principal to create updated videos that help others to understand the features of a flex mod schedule.  Two years ago, we created a series of videos called "40 Seconds With Flex Mod" which asked a question and got an answer.  This was created to inform students and parents while we prepared to enter the flex mod schedule which was eight months away.

We started the flex mod schedule in the fall of 2015, and we felt it was time to "tell our story" as it pertains to our unique schedule.

The process for completing the video started with filming of the three phases of the course.  I used the S1 Shoulder Pod iPhone Mount, an iPhone 6s Plus, MacBook Air, iMovie on a Mac, Canva, and YouTube.

The Process:

Making a video takes time!  Everything does!  However, the tools are present that help the process to be efficient.  Hopefully, the final product(s) can be something that transports a viewer to the experience and walks away with a better understanding of the subject.  You owe it to your learning environment to "tell your story".  I look forward to seeing what you produce!

I would like to publicly thank Mr. Manning, PHS Media teacher, who I've had the fortunate opportunity to spend many hours creating videos so that we can tell our school's story. He has truly taught me so many video producing skills in the past five years.  I really didn't know what I didn't know!  However, that's the beautiful thing about a high school.  In a sense, it's a village or city with every profession who has a master trades(wo)man.  There is always someone who knows something about something.  And as teachers are always willing to do, they help people understand how to make, fix, or create something.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Adobe Spark Pages and Video for Creation of Content

The Adobe Suite, specifically Adobe Draw, Spark (formally Slate) Pages and Video are a great set of tools for students to create content on the iPad.

Adobe Draw allows for so much creation. 

During Lunch N' Learn, examples and features of Adobe Spark Pages and Video will be presented.

👉Adobe Spark Video

👉Adobe Spark Pages

Monday, December 12, 2016

Analyzing Poetry Utilizing Notability

Adobe Spark Page provided a great tool to create the story of the process. Even the US Army uses it to promote their activities.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Minutes Leading Up To A Presentation

Presenting in front of four year old students or forty year old adults isn't always easy (however, it is fun!).  I've presented in front of many people, and I am a firm believer that music makes things better! Last night, prior to the presentation Experts At Your Fingertips, music was playing.

 In 2008, I started "Fun Music Friday".  Music was played while students walked into the classroom in the morning.  It was amazing to see the positive attitudes that transcended because students heard uplifting music.  Dancing even started!  What a great way to start the day!

Below are nine songs that say,

  • Welcome
  • Hello
  • Get Ready, 'Cause This Is Going To Be Awesome
  • Just Try Not To Be In a Positive Mood

I do not have the videos playing for people to see.  The presentation that will about to happen is in one tab and the music is in a hidden tab.  YouTube continues to be a great tool to get free music and playlists are an easy organizational tool.

If you are presenting or getting in front of people to speak, consider the playlist and get your presentation off to a rocking start!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Notability To Assess Biology Slides

Today I team taught with Ms. Thut.  The Biology team, Mr. Anderson, Ms. Thut, and Mrs. Vertz,  created the lab and the slides of an onion that students were to analyze.  In the past, students would look through a microscope and then recreate the drawings of what was viewed.

With this learning opportunity, teachers took pictures of onions under a slide and provided them to students via a Notability note creation.  In this way, teachers are able to see students analyzing the slides via "mark ups" in Notability.  Students will return the lab via Canvas to the teachers.

I was able to support Ms. Thut while we helped students get set up for the first time.

Mindly App In Action

Today, Mr. Krause and I were able to guide students using the Mindly App which we have concluded is a great starting point for the creative process.

Mr. Krause used the Mindly app to create the labels that students were to personalize about the script they are to write.
Team teaching is the BEST part of my daily routine!

The writing process can all be completed on the iPad.

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