Some suggestions:
Effective Research:
- Share effective researching strategies
- Use this resource
Flipboard: Get The App
- After understanding effective researching strategies, I would absolutely download the Flipboard app and create an account. Searching any topic in Flipboard will provide digital magazines for the students to follow. I would also have the students create a magazine that they would "flip" potential resources into as students are researching.
- Flipboard in Global Issues Class (Slides 10-12)
- If account is created on an iPad, the same account can be used on a smartphone or on the computer by downloading the app or using
Notability: Get The App
- Once resources are found in Flipboard or using a "Google Search", Notability becomes the one stop shop for "housing" all of the information.
- Full-featured handwriting
- Advanced word processing
- Media insertions of images, web resources, audio notes