One of the great parts of my day is listening to the Scott Van Pelt & Ryen Russillo radio show on ESPN Podcast. A segment that they complete every Tuesday during the NFL season is the Top 5 Bottom 3. A sort of power rankings for the NFL.
I have downloaded more than 500 free & paid apps since integrating iPad/iPod apps into education in 2008. Periodically, I will create some iPad/iPod Power Rankings known as the Top 5 Bottom 3. A sort of power rankings for the TTL, Teacher Tech League.
Top 5 Bottom 3: Apps Used Daily on My iPad
Top 5
Mail - Generic, but with my technology integration specialist teaching position, I can always provide technology instruction support through email. Our school district has also set up a certificate that can be installed so that all contacts can be imported. This provides every staff members email, including groups of staff members.
Twitter - PLN. Enough Said!
Evernote - Through IFTTT, I have every favorited Tweet traveling to Evernote, Pictures of meeting notes on a whiteboard can be saved, and resources found during researching can easily be pulled up to show teachers ideas and resources.
Skitch - create bumber pages for all video tech tutorials and recording of iPad apps and tech tools being implemented with students. Follow up videos are great for showing other teachers how teachers in their building are implementing the tech tool.
iMovie - easiest app for creating video footage of efficient tech tool implementation with students
Bottom 3
3. Reminders - preloaded on iPad, have never opened it, would delete if I could
*No video, I don't ever use it!
2. Messages - preloaded on iPad, this is NOT my method for communicating with staff, again, never opened it
*No video, I don't ever use it!
1. Game Center - preloaded on iPad, would order the iPad without it if I could! Moved it directly to the last page of my iPad!
*No video, I don't ever use it!
So there it is! Thanks to the SVP & Russillo show, my first Top 5 Bottom 3 daily used iPad apps.