Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Veteran's Day Preparation

We have experienced Veteran's Day many times over in our educational career.  This year, our teaching team chose to look at it in a different way.  We tied it into our "History of the United States" timeline by focusing on nine major wars.

We used the Prezi below, combined with a "Rolling Thunder" Veteran's Day presentation this Friday, to focus in on exactly what our soldiers do to sacrifice themselves for this great country.

It's not too late to show some or all of the video clips in preparation for Veteran's Day.

*Note: Due to mature language and graphics, a parental note was sent home for their approval of their child viewing these videos.  Students who did not get approval viewed all content on the Prezi, but NOT the videos.

**Thank you to our 8th grade social studies teachers for setting up the Friday Veteran's Day presentation!

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