Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tweet Prompt

Our first in-class tweetup consisted of small groups being instructed on their first tweet prompt.

All students in our class completed each statement.  Students were excited to see the real time communication tool in action.  We also worked at hashtagging items.  We have decided that while #pcmswhatilearned is nice and concise, it is quite lengthy.  A student asked if #pcmswil would work.  Standing for pcmsWhatILiked.  The other students agreed that this would be positive.  At the end of the year, we hope to have a TWEET CELEBRATION of things we learned.  

See the set up below...

Could I be using something other than Twitter?  Possibly,
But the positives are...
1.  It allows for instant messaging so to speak.
2.  Students loved seeing other people's responses.
3.  All responses need to be concise and to the point as only 140 characters are allowed.
4.  Much quicker than a full blog post.
5.  For me, as a teacher, evaluating them is all in one, easy, online place.
6.  Parents can see their child's thought process and articulation of the concept.
7.  Mobile version of Twitter on the iPad works very well!

Overall, the opportunity to have small groups to explain Twitter and how it works followed by an actual tweet prompt was a positive learning situation for our students.
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