Some benefits include of the app:
- Seeing individual bones
- Rotate bones 360 degrees
- 3-Dimensional
- Full model for each student (great for larger classes)
- Mobile
- Highlight individual bones
- Identify and isolate an individual bone away from the full model
- Annotation tools
- Zoom In & Out
- Screen shot for Pic Collage and SMORE
- Correct audio pronunciation
- Multiple search options
- Exporting options of annotated objects
- Quick Reference to all skeleton parts
- Quiz Set Up-multiple choice & free response
ITLS: Standard 3
The impact on the students...
The impact on the students...
- Collaboration--N/A
- Creativity--Combined with SMORE or Pic Collage provides for creative finished product of concepts learned
- Critical Thinking--Quiz format for analyzing aspects
- Citizenship--if documents are shares, students will understand that their creations are visible by the world.