Every other week, our team of learning support teachers checks in with our staff via email. To enhance the content of that email, I incorporated a tech tool tip called ...In 20 Seconds. While my email states if I can help in any way, it now provides a helpful tip that doesn't take much time to learn.
...In 20 Seconds refers to a tech concept that can be learned in 20 seconds. So many teachers are so bogged down by so many things that time is of the essence. 20 seconds actually does provide enough time to provide a helpful tip. I use Screencast-o-matic or Reflection app to produce the video. I use the Skitch app and iMovie to place it togther. A great fun idea I have started to incorporate is interesting sounds at the beginning of the 20 seconds. (Chad's idea, see below)
Today, marks creation of #10. Can't believe it! View List Here
I received the idea from @chadkafka ! Thanks, Chad.
Feel free to use any of them or better yet, start creating your own and let me know what you created!
Now...go learn something in 20 Seconds and share it with the rest of the world.